Manulife Flexcare® Health and Dental Insurance

Keep your health and dental insurance costs in check by buying only what you want. With Manulife Flexcare® plans, you can get health and dental coverage, enhanced with optional add-ons, or targeted protection in a specific area.

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If you don't have a health and dental plan or are looking for a new one, start with one of three core plans and then build in any extra protection you want with add-ons.

If you have a plan but it doesn't cover semi-private/private hospital rooms or catastrophic drug costs*, choose one or two standalone plans.



Secure your rate today!

Apply for Flexcare™ Health and Dental by March 31st** and stay protected from rising costs. 





Are you looking at the right plan? Check your age and province/territory.

Core plans

ComboPlus™ Starter Plan

Essential coverage

  • Drugs - 70% of first $750 (up to $525 every year)
  • Dental - 70% of first $575 (up to $400 every year)
  • Vision - $150 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

No medical questionnaire, at time of application

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ComboPlus™ Basic Plan

Extended coverage

  • Drugs - 70% of first $750 and 90% of next $4,972 (up to $5,000 every year)
  • Dental - 80% of first $400 and 50% of next $860 (up to $750 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

Medical questionnaire required, at time of application

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ComboPlus™ Enhanced Plan

Comprehensive coverage

  • Drugs - 90% of first $2,222 and 100% of next $8,000 (up to $10,000 every year)
  • Dental - 100% of first $500 and 60% of next $700 (up to $920 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

Medical questionnaire required, at time of application

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DentalPlus™ Basic Plan

Essential coverage

  • Dental - Year 1: 50% of first $1,150 (up to $575 every year)
    Year 2+: 80% of first $400 and 50% of next $860 (up to $750 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

No medical questionnaire, at time of application

Live a healthier life with Manulife Vitality.

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DentalPlus™ Enhanced Plan

Comprehensive coverage

  • Dental - Year 1: 70% of first $1,200 (up to $840 every year)
    Year 2+: 100% of first $500 and 60% of next $700 (up to $920 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

No medical questionnaire, at time of application

Live a healthier life with Manulife Vitality.

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DrugPlus™ Basic Plan

Essential coverage

  • Drugs - 70% of first $750 and 90% of next $4,972 (up to $5,000 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

Medical questionnaire required, at time of application

Live a healthier life with Manulife Vitality.

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DrugPlus™ Enhanced Plan

Comprehensive coverage

  • Drugs - 90% of first $2,222 and 100% of next $8,000 (up to $10,000 every year)
  • Vision - $250 every 2 years
  • Travel - $5 million in emergency health coverage for first 9 days of each trip

Medical questionnaire required, at time of application

Live a healthier life with Manulife Vitality.

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Standalone plans

Catastrophic – after you pay $4,500

  • Covers all drug costs after you pay $4,500 in a year
  • This plan is not available to Quebec residents or to people age 65 and over

Catastrophic – after you pay $10,200

  • Covers all drug costs after you pay $10,200 in a year
  • This plan is not available to Quebec residents or to people age 65 and over

Hospital Basic Plan

  • Covers a semi-private hospital room

Hospital Enhanced Plan

  • Covers a semi-private or private hospital room

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Top 7 questions about Manulife Flexcare®

Yes, you can cancel your individual health insurance at any time. There is a 24-month waiting period to get new coverage (at Manulife).

The choice of having private health insurance (also known as supplemental health insurance) is a personal one. Supplemental health insurance helps cover unforeseen expenses (e.g. supplemental (added) costs of surgeries, medical consultations, dental and vision appointments, prescription drugs etc.) which are not covered by a government health insurance plan. For example, a supplemental health insurance plan like Flexcare can cover eye exams and other vision costs that may have previously been paid out of pocket.

Individual health insurance coverage is insurance coverage that you purchase on your own to cover yourself or immediate family members. Individual health insurance is not provided through a group or employer. Additionally, it covers medical treatments and supplies not in your provincial plan.

Comprehensive plans cover a wide variety of expenses. While not all insurance plans are comprehensive, they are supplemental. Supplemental health insurance can cover prescription drugs, dental cleaning and orthodontics, hospital room coverage, vision care and paramedical services etc. Supplemental health insurance covers medical treatments and supplies not in your provincial plan.  

In order to purchase supplemental health insurance (covers costs above your provincial plan), you must be over age of 18, have an active government health insurance plan (GHIP), and be a resident of your home province/territory.

Part-time employees are eligible for insurance plans. It is up to the discretion of the employer if there are group plans (plans provided to a group of members most commonly by your employer) available. Part time employees can purchase supplemental health insurance (covers costs above your provincial plan) as a top up to their group plan. 

Yes, you can get treated without health insurance as most Canadians have coverage under their provincial plan. For non-Canadian residents who aren’t covered under provincial plans, medical expenses can be costly. It is recommended that non-Canadian residents look at health insurance options such as a Manulife CoverMe Visitor to Canada plan as provincial plans such as OHIP will only come into effect after 3 months. 

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